Health Benefits of Pets for Seniors

Written by Anna Bullough

As we age, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss of friendship and companionship.

Whether it’s due to losing a spouse, living far away from loved ones, or facing mobility challenges, loneliness can be a real struggle. However, research has shown that having a companion – human or animal – can have significant benefits for our physical and mental health.

For seniors, pets can be an excellent source of companionship and support. They provide a sense of purpose and responsibility, as well as unconditional love and comfort. Pets have been found to reduce stress and anxiety, which can help improve overall health and well-being. Additionally, pets can help seniors stay active and engaged, both mentally and physically.

When it comes to choosing a pet, there are a wide variety of options available, from cats and dogs to birds and fish. Each pet has its own unique qualities and characteristics, and finding the right match is important. No matter what type of pet you choose, the companionship and joy they provide can make a significant impact on your life. 

In this article, we’ll answer the question: are pets good for seniors? We’ll discuss the various health benefits of owning a pet in your golden years and how to decide what is a good pet for a senior citizen.

Health Benefits of Owning a Pet for Seniors

Should seniors have pets? Owning a pet can have a variety of positive impacts on the physical and mental health of seniors. Below are some of the specific health benefits of pets for senior citizens.

Physical Health Benefits

Having a pet can help seniors stay active and engaged in physical activity, which is crucial for maintaining good health. 

Owning a pet can provide several physical health benefits for seniors, including:

  • Increased activity and exercise: Whether it’s taking a dog for a walk, playing with a cat, or caring for a bird, pets require some level of physical activity that can help seniors increase their daily exercise. This can then lead to improved physical fitness.
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels: Regular exercise, as well as the calming effect of owning a pet, can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in seniors.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: In addition to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, owning a pet can also improve cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that pet owners have a lower risk of heart disease and are more likely to survive a heart attack.
  • Stronger bones and muscles: Regular physical activity, such as walking a dog, can help improve bone density and muscle strength in seniors.
  • Reduced risk of falls: Regular exercise and physical activity can also help improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and related injuries.
  • Increased immune system function: Pet owners have been found to have a stronger immune system, which can help them fight off illnesses and infections more effectively.

Mental Health Benefits

As we age, maintaining good mental health becomes increasingly important, and when it comes to pets for elderly, benefits include mental health. 

Pets can provide numerous mental health benefits for seniors, including:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Pets are known to have a calming and soothing effect on their owners, which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. This is especially important for seniors, who may be facing various stressors in their daily lives.
  • Decreased feelings of loneliness: Pets can provide companionship and a sense of connection, which can help decrease feelings of loneliness and improve overall well-being.
  • Improved mood and cognitive function: Having a pet can help boost mood and cognitive function, improving overall mental health. Studies have shown that seniors who own pets have lower rates of depression and feel more socially connected to their community.
  • Sense of purpose: Owning a pet can give seniors a sense of purpose and responsibility, which can be especially important for those who may be struggling with feelings of loneliness or isolation.
  • Improved socialization: Pets can also help seniors improve their socialization skills, as they provide a common topic of conversation and a reason to interact with others who may also have pets.
  • Reduced risk of cognitive decline: Studies have shown that owning a pet can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline in seniors. This may be because of the increased physical activity, social interaction, and cognitive stimulation that pets provide.

The benefits of pets for the elderly are well-researched and proven. Owning a pet can provide a multitude of health benefits for seniors, both physical and mental. From increased physical activity to reduced stress and anxiety levels, pets can help seniors maintain their health and well-being. 

Challenges of Owning a Pet as a Senior

As much as owning a pet can provide numerous benefits to seniors, there are also some challenges that need to be considered. Here are some of the common challenges that seniors face when owning a pet:

Physical limitations: Seniors may face physical limitations that can make it difficult to take care of their pets. For instance, walking a dog or cleaning a litter box can be challenging for those with limited mobility. However, there are ways to overcome these challenges, such as hiring a pet walker or a pet sitter to help with the daily care of the pet.

Financial constraints: Owning a pet can also be a financial burden for seniors on a fixed income. Pet food, veterinary care, and other pet-related expenses can add up quickly. However, there are resources available to help seniors with the cost of pet ownership, such as discounts on veterinary care or financial assistance programs.

Caregiving limitations: There may be times when seniors are unable to care for pets due to illness or other circumstances, which can lead to feelings of helplessness and guilt for the elderly. Unable to care for pets? In-home care services can help seniors with pet care, ensuring that their furry companions receive the care they need even when their owners are unable to do so.

In-home Care Services for Seniors with Pets

If you’re a senior with a pet, you know how important it is to provide your furry friend with the best care possible. However, as we age, it can become more challenging to take care of our pets on our own. It can also become more challenging to keep our houses clean from animal hair. That’s where in-home care services come in. Here are some of the ways that in-home care services can help seniors with pets:

Assistance with pet care tasks: In-home care providers can assist with pet care tasks such as feeding, grooming, and exercise, ensuring that your pet receives the care they need. They can also provide transportation to vet appointments, so you don’t have to worry about getting your pet to the vet on your own. 

Socialization opportunities for seniors and their pets: Companion care services offer one-on-one interaction with a caregiver, providing seniors and their pets with companionship and socialization. Pet therapy programs are another great way to help seniors and their pets. These programs involve trained therapy animals and handlers who visit seniors and provide emotional support and companionship.

Cleaning up after pets: In-home care providers can assist with cleaning up after pets, including vacuuming pet hair, cleaning up pet accidents, and removing stains and odors. In-home care providers can also help make your home more pet-friendly by installing pet gates or ramps, and ensuring that your home is safe and comfortable for your pet.

Whether you need help with daily pet care tasks or want to provide your pet with socialization opportunities, in-home care services can help you and your furry friend live your best lives.

How to Choose the Right Pet for Seniors

When it comes to choosing the right pet as a senior, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. Here are some things to consider:

Pet size, temperament, and care needs: As a senior, it’s important to choose a pet that fits your lifestyle and physical capabilities. Smaller pets, like cats or small dogs, might be more manageable for those with physical limitations. It’s also important to consider a pet’s temperament and care needs. Some pets may require more attention and care than others.

Resources for finding senior-friendly pets: Finding the right pet can be challenging, but there are resources available to help seniors find the perfect pet. Local animal shelters or rescue organizations can provide information on senior-friendly pets and may even have programs in place to help match seniors with pets that fit their lifestyles and needs. Additionally, there are online resources, such as Petfinder, that can help seniors find adoptable pets in their area.

Remember, choosing the right pet is an important decision that requires careful consideration. With the right pet, seniors can experience the many benefits of pet ownership while enjoying the companionship and love that comes with having a furry friend by their side.

Getting the Support You Need

Owning a pet as a senior can bring numerous physical and mental health benefits, as well as provide companionship and joy. From increased activity and exercise to reduced stress and anxiety, pets have a positive impact on the lives of seniors.

However, we understand that owning a pet can come with challenges, including caring for and cleaning up after the pet. That’s why we provide seniors in-home care services to support pet ownership.

Our in-home care services at Suzy’s Senior Services provide assistance with pet care tasks like feeding, grooming, and exercise, as well as transportation to vet appointments. We also offer socialization opportunities for seniors and their pets through companion care services.

If you’re interested in learning more about our in-home care services for seniors and their pets, we invite you to visit our website or give us a call. Let us help you continue to experience the joys and benefits of pet ownership in your golden years. Call us at 801-540-2077 to learn more.

“Susy has been coming to my mother’s home for several years now. We love her! Yes, she cleans and does small things around the house for Mom, but she’s also a great companion for her! Her willingness to go the extra mile, to serve, and be a friend to Mom is so impressive, and very genuine. I appreciate the love and care she gives. I completely trust her, and highly recommend her services for the elderly.” 

– Eric Maughan

For at-home services near Layton, call us at 801-540-2077 to learn more.